
HOT NEWS: Dr. Cumeras selected as AES ISCIII evaluator
Currently evaluating PI24 proposals

Metabolomics, precision medicine, and innovation in oncology driven through signal and data processing approaches following FAIR principles and mQACC recommendations


1. Discovery of Physiopathological Biomarkers with a focus on Oncology and the interplay between different omics

2. Development of databases, software and tools for biomedicine

Life Fluids Database

The first multi-omics human biofluids composition database

Databases, software’s and Tools

Meta-analysis (https://brui.shinyapps.io/easy-amanida/) and metabolomics developed software.

Metabolites merging strategy.

Other databases developed.

Colorectal Cancer

Discovery of Physiopathological Biomarkers of colorectal cancer


The study of the intermediate or end product compounds in biological samples

Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Know more about ion’s mobility separation


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